Sebastian Stenzel 德国斯坦泽尔琴 (1994年制)已出售

  • Sebastian Stenzel 德国斯坦泽尔琴 (1994年制)已出售
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:83600
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 290
  • 综合得分:
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  • 品牌:SebastianStenzel
  • 货号:5bd19a6ad9ae
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家金陵虫虫


  • 品牌:SebastianStenzel

 Sebastian Stenzel 德国名师 斯坦泽尔手工制作品 (1994年制)



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sebastian Stenzel <>
Date: Tuesday, October 7, (咨询特价)
Subject: Update
To: Han Wang <>

Dear Han,

thanks for your message! Yes, all is going well. But I haven't started your guitar yet, except for preparatory work like currently resawing and reinforcing necks, one of which will be for your guitar.

The guitar you friend has obtained I remember very well, although I made it quite long ago. I had been searching for a new plantilla (body shape) and of this one, I made only two guitars, one flamenco negra, and this one. It was originally aquired by guitarist Jürgen Ohnemus who sold it a few years ago to a guy in Singapore, I believe. Some years ago, I did an overhaul of the guitar, and was so delighted by it's tonal qualities that I considered to take up this shape again. However, I did change my plantilla to a shape that I believe is even better. Besides the different plantilla, a lot of small details have changed over the years, but the main concept has remained the same.
Your friend might be interested to know that before I sold this guitar to Mr. Ohnemus, I showed it to Antonio Marin Montero, as especially the rosette design of this guitar was strongly influenced by him. He liked it a lot!

I apologize for the delay, but I am sure you will understand that in a one-man-enterprise, it often is difficult to keep up with the work...

With best wishes,

Stenzel Guitars
Sebastian Stenzel
Im Hausgruen 27
(咨询特价) Emmendingen

Am 26.09.14 11:08, schrieb Han Wang:

Hi Sebastian,
I ordered a guitar from you about 1.5 years ago, and the target date is early next year. Could you let me know the progress and if everything is going well@

Also, my friend just got a guitar made by you, the photos are attached, can you take a look and give me some detailed information of this guitar@ Is there any major change on structure and sound for your current models compared to this one@

Thanks and have a good day.



(咨询特价)548695  13905163297  0

